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On the Fallacies of the Justification of Greed

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

Greed is good. This horrendous assertion of philosophical error has been promoted throughout of a large portion of the twentieth century. It is this type of villainous ethical perversion that has typified the emotional currents of the Iron Age. Because of the promotion of such idiotic proclamations by evil sophists and ignorant philosophers (who are nothing more than servants of the wealthy), a certain percentage of the population has had false justification to pursue courses of poor financial logic that emphasize the short term and destroy many of the long term prospects of sustained growth.

The primary flaw with any type of false philosophical statement is that it can only be upheld for a temporary amount of time. Once any incorrect ethical assertion has run its temporary course, it comes crashing down to the earth as it destroys many of the things that are in the way of its inevitable fall. Such is the case with the philosophical notion that "greed is good." Once this sophistic perversion of logic has run its due course, it will fall to the earth and the entire population of the human species will be witness to the massive wreckage that it will leave behind.

The Tax Collectors by Marinus van Reymerswale (1540)

Greed is bad. It has always been bad. Sages, wise men, and scholars all throughout the ages in every civilization have come to the same conclusion. Nothing has changed. Greed has always been bad, and greed will always be bad. It is bad because it is a mindset that often destroys the economic situation of less privileged individuals in order to increase the wealth of the more politically powerful individuals. Every person that is currently alive on the surface of Terra is aware of this simple basic logic. However, when the ill-gotten gains of greed are spread to a larger percentage of the population in a certain geographical area, it becomes easier to justify the concept of greed as being a good thing to the individuals that are currently reaping the short-term benefits of this greed. However, they can only be manipulated for a certain amount of time. Knowledge is the antidote for greed because knowledge is the greatest power of all.

Knowledge is good.

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons