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On the Role of Silver as Mediator

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

Silver is Luna. Silver is the key mediator between the energies of Venusian copper and Martian iron. Silver is the common denominator that binds the vibratory essence of the copper energies of Venus with the flowing capacities of the iron currents of Mars. As the daylight from the sun illuminates the night by reflecting off Luna's surface, so does a silver-backed mirror illuminate the countenance of a princess as she brushes her hair. As the moon pulls the tide back and forth and causes the waves to crash on the beach during the middle of the day, so does the movie screen (called the "silver screen" because of the actual physical silver that was used in many of the screens of the early twentieth century) pull the emotions of the crowd seated in front of it.

The biological energies of alchemical silver are centered around the heart chakra. Silver connects the flow of the digestive system located within the navel chakra with the vibrations of the throat chakra by processing the air that enters the throat and then inserting its oxygen into the flow of the blood stream where it is distributed by the heart. This same type of activity is recreated on the astronomical level when the cosmic heart of Luna pulls the blood-water of Terra through its veins and organs (i.e. rivers and seas).

Vesuvius from Posíllipo by Joseph Wright of Derby (1788)

Thus, when this type of association between the biological and the astronomical is correctly perceived, then the true wisdom of the Hermetic axiom "as above, so below" is properly understood in a way that neither distorts science or spirituality. Far too often, the true meaning of this phrase has been distorted into philosophical trivialities that often distort or misinterpret this true basic meaning. This true basic meaning is literal and can be applied to actual empirical science, religious spirituality, and aesthetic design. Few recognize this truth of the direct relationship that exists between the astronomical reality of the heavens and the biological reality of the earth. Because of this ignorance, the science and religion of the human species has been corrupted for many millenia. Only when these two fields of endeavor are completely united, will there be truth.

Only when these two fields of endeavor are completely united, will there be peace...

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons