
On the Motivation of Forgiveness

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

The best motivation for forgiveness is peace. Forgiveness allows for peace because it helps to resolve disruptive emotional and psychological issues that may be present. Forgiveness allows for peace in the sense of letting everyone who has been affected by the situation to be unimpaired by any sort of unbalanced energy. Forgiveness allows for peace because it lets all entities that have been affected by the issue to continue with their lives in a normal manner. Forgiveness allows for peace because it lets people gain new understandings that will let further conflicts be avoided.

However, the most fundamentally important type of peace is the peace within the person who was the victim. When this individual truly forgives, it is never for the sake of others. When the victim forgives, it is only for the health and well-being of the victim herself/himself. Only by this completely self-motivated action can the true process of forgiveness actually occur in a permanent and lasting way.

Musik im Kloster by August Wilhelm Roesler (19th century)

When the victim forgives in this manner, the emotional burdens of the offenses are more easily lifted, and true healing can occur far more quickly and easily. If the victim does not forgive in this self-centered manner, then the process will take much longer and will be much harder to accomplish. Therefore, one should forgive others only for the sake of oneself. This is the most correct and effective manner of restoring peace within one's psyche.

This is the most correct and effective manner of restoring peace within one's soul.

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons