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On the Manipulation of Truth

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

One of the most important tools of empire is the manipulation of truth with the use of popular culture and state-controlled religion. With this tool, the powers that govern are able to more effectively control the thoughts of the masses and make sure that unjustifiable amounts of privilege are transferred from those that are unaware of all of the appropriate facts relevant to basic human existence. When the majority of the populace is not aware of the actual facts concerning historical and biological reality, their thoughts are more easily manipulated to do the bidding of those that wish to keep them in economic and psychological slavery.

The foundation of this slavery was established long ago in a previous historical era. With the advent of the new information technology, this slavery will not be able to continue due to the truth that is now spreading throughout all of the areas of the world. Once the actual truth about the reality of humanity becomes more widely known, it will become far more relevant within the lives of all of the residents of the civilized world. Once the actual truth is realized by most, it will effectively displace the current system of governance now in place.

The Emmaus Disciples  by Abraham Bloemaert (1622)

The current system of governance is aware of this situation and is now preparing for the gradual shift into the new paradigm of reality. Since this shift will be gradual, there will be little disturbance to society as this new understanding of humanity and the human body becomes more widely known amongst the populace. Although there are many entities that do not desire any sort of paradigm shift, the shift will occur. This shift is planetary in nature; humanity does not have a choice in the matter.

This permeation of the actual truth can no longer be suppressed by religious forces endorsed by the state. Only those who are willing to be suppressed will be able to be suppressed. Those that wish to throw off the shackles and chains that shame the human body and its sexuality can now do so. Those that wish to throw off the shackles that bind the human mind can now do so.

We can now be free.

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons