The Spectracon

Melpomene - Cyan

The tragedy of her turquoise tears. Such is the realm of Melpomene and her cyan energy. Removing her mask of tragic drama, she waves her symbolic blade of the element of air.

Melpomene is the muse-spirit that provides the necessary balance to the merry comedy of her sister, Thaleia. Her area of expertise is that of the tragedy, which allows for these two complimentary muses to exist in a more balanced alignment with each other. They share a common trait that makes the pair unique amongst the muses, and that is that both members of this dramatic duo are the only two muses who wear masks. The natural interlocking of aquamarine with blue makes it necessary for the two muses governing these two realms to possess specialties that are polar opposites of each other. This would seem rather prudent since the rustic comedic sensibilities of Thalia would balance nicely with the tragic melodies of Melpomene.

This maiden muse known as Melpomene is often depicted as either carrying or wearing a dramatic mask of tragedy as well as holding a blade. Her name – commonly given the meaning of “to sing” – can be etymologically traced back to two biliteral roots. The first is formed from the letters M and L and has the ancient meaning of “to care.” The second is formed from the letters P and M and in its most primitive essence has the meaning of “mouth.” Placing these two meanings together, it is possible to derive a more precise meaning of this maiden muse’s name, which would be something along the lines of “verbal expression of care,” or even “singer of the passionate.” In this sense, Melpomene is the muse of the passionate and the tragic and can be fathomed as the singer of the things weighing on a heavy heart... she hides her tears behind her sorrow-filled cyan mask of tragic melody.

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Copyright 2012 by Lee Fitzsimmons