Sylvan Melodies

Peace Mountain

A faerie tune performed on flute and accompanied by twin acoustic guitars and playful percussion.

Peace Mountain

- Right-click on the above link and then "save target as" to download -


Flute - Lee Fitzsimmons * Marimba - Lee Fitzsimmons * Live Takamine acoustic guitars - Lee Fitzsimmons * Acoustic bass - Lee Fitzsimmons

Kick drum, rainmaker, wind chimes, guiro, claves, triangle, shaker, and sleigh bells - Lee Fitzsimmons


This woodland-flavored composition is straightforward and simple. The twin acoustic guitars ring some high-pitched chords using different inversions as the kick drum and acoustic bass set up the beginning groove. The guiro along with two sets of differently pitched claves play a coordinated figure, giving the introduction a very distinctive color that continues throughout the piece. When the flute enters with the main melody, the entire ensemble begins playing the main groove as the rainmaker pours water over the mix. This tune consists of three sections that repeat until the song fades. At the end of the first section, the flute begins jumping octaves as it simulates the flight of a butterfly or a faerie. The sleigh bells enter at the beginning of the second section and the guiro and claves drop out. In the third section, the melody merges with the underlying harmonic structure and the two become one. The entire form then repeats several times before the piece ends.

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This track is free for personal use. It may be distributed freely and shared with anyone that wishes to listen to it at home, in a vehicle, or on a mobile device. No permission is needed to do this. If this track is desired as music for an internet presentation (such as a book trailer on Youtube or a blog) that will not be displayed anywhere in the mass media, then permission for this type of usage will be granted in exchange for credit and a functioning link to this website. Just contact Lee at the e-mail address below (or on Facebook or Twitter) after the presentation is online and a functioning link to this website is in place, so he can tweet it out and give it a "like"...

For complete details about commercially licensing this track for radio airplay, television broadcasting, or any other sort of mass commercial distribution, click on the link below...

Commercial License

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Copyright 2013 by Lee Fitzsimmons