The Zodiacon

Boar - Pisces


The twelfth sign of the Eastern zodiac is the characterand is pronounced “Hai.” The symbolic animal of this twelfth earthly stem is the pig and is represented by the character  that also represents the wild boar in Japanese culture. It is a yin symbol of the fourth trine and its fixed element is water. Possessing the area that lies between the 330th and the 360th degree of the ecliptic, this astrological symbol is also the ruler of the tenth lunar month, which lasts from November 6 to December 7. The hours of the pig are from nine to eleven in the evening.
The twelfth sign of the Western zodiac is the symbol  that is commonly known as Pisces. It is generally interpreted as being two fish bound together by some type of cord, however, there are other interpretations that claim only one of the figures is a fish. Like its Eastern counterpart, this symbol is a negative yin symbol of the passive nocturnal feminine, and in a similar fashion, like its Eastern twin, its elemental designation is water. Pisces is also thought of as having a mutable quality. It is also aligned to the same points of the ecliptic as the Eastern symbol of the pig, however, it is associated annual time period extends from February 19 through March 20 in the tropical system and from March 15 through April 14 in the Jyotish system.

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Copyright 2012 by Lee Fitzsimmons