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On the Intermediary Stages of Sleep

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

One of the keys to understanding the full nature of the silver energies is to recall many of the thoughts and visions that occur in the time span that occurs between the interlude that immediately precedes sleep. These products of the mind are far more subject to the whim and fancy of the imaginative realms yet do not always adhere to the basic notions often found within reality. Silver is very playful in the ways that it manipulates the various laws of the universe while still maintaining some semblance to the laws of physics. In fact, when a creative individual can recall some of the imaginings of the dream-state, these imaginings can usually be converted into actual artistic and scientific creations of the real world.

Oftentimes, these visions and ideas are fertile grounds for new melodic ideas and musical themes that can be incorporated into musical compositions. Simple motives and/or chordal ideas that are imagined and then recalled during the waking state can be manipulated and crafted into all types of various musical concoctions. It is also possible to get various lyrical and poetic ideas from the dream state. The more difficult aspects of this process include the remembrance of the ideas and the infusion of these ideas into one's palette of skills.

Nude on the Beach by John William Godward (1922)

Needless to say, without these final steps of actual application, the dreams and fancies of the artistic mind serve only as entertainment for the mind that creates them. However, this is also a valid reason for these creations to exist. It should also be realized that many of the substances that are responsible for dream visions are emitted by the pineal body. Since the pineal body is the biological center of alchemical gold and the center of the frequencies of Sol, dream visions can also be thought of as another aspect of the solar realms even though they often occur during the nocturnal hours.

In much the same way that the light from the sun illuminates the midnight sky by casting its glow onto the reflective surface of Luna...

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons