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On the Imbalanced Placement of Hope and Expectation

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

When the emotions of hope and expectation are misplaced, they can very often be highly detrimental to the psyche and may cause extreme cases of imbalance. Because these twin emotions are such powerful factors in the daily lives of all individuals, it should be apparent that they be applied to logical uses that will allow for beneficial results to occur. When these emotions are misplaced, they may not only harm the one who has misplaced them, but they might also harm the individual(s) that have received these possibly harmful intentions. Thus, it should be realized that these situations do occur, and necessary steps should be taken so that they may undone in a peaceful manner.

Most of the imbalanced placements of hope and expectation occur when there are incorrect perceptions about those receiving such attention. Quite often, these misplaced notions about certain people are merely due to ignorance and nothing more. Thus, these situations can be remedied by the revelation of truth. Once these incorrect perceptions are replaced with the correct perceptions, the imbalanced placement of hope and expectation may be efficiently removed.

Fidelia and Speranza (Hope and Faith) by Benjamin West (1776)

The main reason why the misplacement of these emotions is so detrimental to the individual incorrectly placing them is because of the wasted energy that is expended in the process. This psychic energy is not properly reciprocated and an imbalance occurs. When these emotions are placed correctly, they are reciprocated in good fashion, and a mutually beneficial situation results. Therefore, when the imbalanced placements are removed from the psyche, more energy is available for correct placement.

Thus, more seeds of hope and expectation may be properly sown in more fertile soil...

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Copyright 2014 by Lee Fitzsimmons