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On the Eloquence of Sophistry

by Lee Duane FitzSimmons

Many times, the average individual falls prey to the siren song of the eloquent sophist. Many times, the words of these evil manipulators are merely tools to promote their own agendas. Many times, the brilliant intellects of clever sophists deceive and swindle their unknowing victims. Many times, the damage that they leave in their wake is irreversible and destroys the lives of many people.

Too often, many people are fooled by sophists because they are ignorant of the true agendas of these intellectual villains. In addition, the general public's innate sensibilities of rational logic have been severely neglected and have rarely been sharpened with due diligence and practice. This intellectual laziness not only allows these eloquent sophists to deceive people on an individual basis but also allows these treacherous villains to hoodwink large masses of people.

An Agitator by Erik Henningsen (1899)

Most people have rather comfortable lives. As long as their lives remain within this comfort zone, there is little opposition to the ploys of the more notorious intellects that are responsible for promoting propaganda that benefits the elite. When one also considers all of the temporary pleasures that are easily obtainable, it becomes easy to see why many of the assertions of modern sophists are not perceived as being fraudulent.

However, the obvious antidote for sophistry (logic) always remains in the hearts and minds of those who remain emotionally and intellectually pure. As long as these types of individuals are present within a society, there is at least some degree of balance. This type of intellectual and emotional purity relies on the honesty within one's spirit. This type of intellectual and emotional purity relies on the passion within one's heart.

This type of intellectual and emotional purity relies on the nobility of one's soul.

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Copyright 2013 by Lee Duane FitzSimmons